Help us achieve Ultimate RADness…
One-off Donations
RAD runs on the smell of an oily rag so we are super grateful for all donations we receive, big and small.
Giving your koha truly helps to keep us pedaling and serving the community.
Visit us to donate cash or deposit into our bank account below. Thank you!
RAD Bikes Charitable Trust 38 9016 0646 827 00
Registered Charity Number: CC58035
Regular Donations
Love what RAD does? Want to be part of our success? Amazing! Sign up to give regularly and become a truly wonderful part of RAD’s journey.
You choose how much you give & how you give it.
Give via our Patreon Page by clicking here
Prefer to give direct to our bank account? Email us, admin@radbikes.co.nz, to find out how.
Bikes & Parts
If you have bikes or bike parts to donate, drop them off during our regular Drop-In Sessions:
Sundays 12-4pm
Wednesdays 6.30-8.30pm
There’s no need to contact us beforehand.
See you there!